Erotrol Reviews, Price, How to Take – Scam?

Erotrol Men Power capsules Review PeruErotrol is all-natural capsules that serve for the rapid enhancement of male libido, sexuality, and endurance. The manufacturer advertises it, as one of the best organic remedies for low romantic desire and erectile dysfunction problems. The official website offers regular price discounts to both new and seasoned clients. The product has already sold more than 3,500,000 copies in Peru because of this. Erotrol opinions and comments on forums indicate that the potency solution helps couples rediscover the joy of bedroom passion. No complaints about contraindications are present in the testimonials.


Expert urologists and sexologists do not have any doubts that Erotrol is one of the most reliable products for potency enhancement. Its organic composition enhances the building of lean muscle tissue and accelerates blood flow to the small pelvis. Its ingredients are herbal extracts that gently disinfect the soft tissues around the reproductive organs. It has been clinically tested and verified to be good for the prostate gland. The effectiveness is listed, as being 95%, in the Certificate of Quality. Erotrol serves for the improved moments of passion and lust between partners, ensuring that both of them achieve full satisfaction.

Where to buy Erotrol at the best price in Peru? Are there many scams, dispersed, as legit and reliable remedies for sexual and erectile dysfunction, on Mercado Libre and Amazon? How to take the capsules for better sex, following the instructions for use in the leaflet? What does Erotrol serve for?

Learn more in this Erotrol review!

Erotrol – What Is It & What Does It Serve for

Erotrol – What Is It

Erotrol is all-natural capsules that serve for the improved potency, virility, and libido levels. The manufacturer says that men of all ages can take them to boost their sexual performance and enjoy normal prostate health. Many adult film stars also take the pills before long hours of shooting a movie. The official website offers lucrative price discounts to both new and seasoned customers. Erotrol is confirmed to be safe by expert urologists and sexologists in the country.

People who take the pills regularly have no complaints about what Erotrol serves for. The filmed capsules for better sex have successfully passed several rounds of clinical testing on different continence. Their effectiveness is 95%, according to the Certificate of Quality. Some sexologists have even proposed that the product be nominated for the Best Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction Award. Erotrol is one of the most sought-after solutions for enhanced endurance and better mutual satisfaction during sex.

Benefits & Advantages of the Capsules for More Mutual Pleasure

Expert sexologists are keen that Erotrol has more benefits and advantages than most libido boosters, including the blue pill. This statement is also confirmed by adult film stars. Many of them say that they take the filmed capsules to perform their best in front of the camera. The product is also expected to be nominated for the Best Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction Award.

Erotrol’s countless benefits and advantages for enhanced male performance in bed make it the most preferred remedy in Peru. More than 3,500,000 people take it regularly. Both genders confirm that it makes up for an unforgettable romantic experience.


  • All-Natural Composition That Serves for the Improved Quality of Sex & male Performance;
  • The Capsules Are 95% Effective for the Boosted Blood Flow to the Small Pelvis;
  • The Product Is Taken Regularly by Adult Film Stars & Nominated for the Best Remedy for Erectile Dysfunction Award;
  • It Is an Excellent Remedy with Which Both Partners Achieve the Same Level of Pleasure;
  • The Manufacturer’s Official Website Offers Lucrative Price Discounts;


  • Combine the Intake with a Healthy Meal Plan & Regular Prostate Exercises;
  • You Will Not Come Across the Product in Pharmacy Chains;

Nota Bene! Effects can vary individually!

Erotrol Capsules Opinions and Comments

Erotrol Men Power capsules Review Peru - Price, opinions, effects

There are close to no negative Erotrol opinions and comments on intimacy forums. Both men and women share that they are greatly satisfied with the capsules’ actions in their testimonials. The reviews and feedback say that the stronger gender becomes more than capable of prolonging their endurance. They also feel toned and energized during the day. Women say that they achieve pleasure every time they go between the sheets. Expert urologists also say that Erotrol is safe and 95% effective for the improvement of mutual satisfaction during sex.


‘These capsules have a very quick toning effect on the body. They give you stamina and strength, helping you feel like a true man again. I was under stress which worsened my performance in bed. This led to constant complaints on part of my girlfriend. I just couldn’t satisfy her. I asked a friend what to do and he showed me a copy of the Erotrol pills. I got them immediately. Now, she only asks for more bedroom fun!’ Sebastian Diaz, 32, Lima;

‘Erotrol capsules restored the hormonal balance in my body. Ever since I passed the age of 45, I started experiencing great disturbances with the size of my prostate gland. This led to frequent nightly urges to urinate and low libido. I tested the Internet for a possible solution and found the pills. The organic composition impressed me and the price was very good. I got them and now my problems have vanished!’ Santiago Chavez, 48, Cusco;

‘My husband was having prostate concerns and sexual dysfunction problems. It all changed when he started taking these natural capsules for better sex. Our intimate life is back to the way it was in our 20s!’ Anna-Maria, 40;


Erotrol Price in Peru – Where to Buy

Erotrol Price in Peru  

The manufacturer says that Peruvian clients should be sure where to buy Erotrol capsules at the best price. The official website offers the same cost for every South-American country. There are also good Erotrol price discounts on the licensed web page. The remedy for better sex is dispersed only this way and not via the services of retailers.

The current Erotrol price discount on the official website lowers the cost by -50%. Clients can order the product by filling in a short form and confirming their delivery address via a telephone conversation with an operator. Deliveries are processed discreetly in a week. You can pay, using the COD method.

Attention! Erotrol capsules are ordered in the standard way for a digital product. Clients complete the order form, confirm the details over the telephone, and wait for delivery which can take up to a week. The accepted payment method is COD upon delivery.

Can I Buy Erotrol in the Pharmacy – Mercado Libre or Amazon

There are close to zero odds of finding Erotrol in the local pharmacy. The manufacturer prefers to distribute it single-handedly to maintain normal price rates and ensure good quality ingredients. The remedy for better sex can be ordered only via the official site. The original capsules are not dispersed via Mercado Libre and Amazon. There are many Erotrol scams there so be careful.

Short Details about the supplement

Erotrol Price160 SOL
Where to Buy?▶️ Official Website
Available in PharmaciesNo
Is it a Scam?⛔️The original product works
Client Reviews⭐️Positive
Expert OpinionsRecommended Product
Ingredients🌿100% Natural
Easy to Use?Yes, see the instructions
Side Effects❌None
Sold on AmazonNot available

How to Take Erotrol in 3 Steps – Instructions for Use, Dosage, & Leaflet

The only way to be sure that you know how to take Erotrol right is by reading the instructions for use thoroughly. The user manual is available in the leaflet. It sets out simple rules which you are best advised to follow. First, go on a light but plant protein-rich diet. Do regular prostate or Kegel exercises to enhance your metabolism. You will have plenty of energy so stay hydrated. The normal Erotrol dosage is 2 capsules daily.

This is how to take Erotrol in 3 steps, following the instructions and guidelines in the leaflet:

  1. Take 1 capsule in the morning & 1 more in the evening 30 minutes before food.
  2. Stay on a plant protein-rich diet to protect yourself from BPH & prostatitis.
  3. Repeat the procedure daily to stay potent & virile.

Erotrol Complaints about Side Effects & Contraindications

Luckily, there are close to no complaints about existing Erotrol side effects, contraindications, or allergies. The capsules are completely safe and have a hypoallergenic formula. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be used by so many adult film stars. Expert urologists also confirm that Erotrol is not dangerous but 95% effective for the restoration of normal virility and libido levels.

Composition & Ingredients – Herbal Extracts


The organic composition of Erotrol is full of healthy ingredients that ensure normal hormonal balance in the male body. The herbal extracts in the formula tone the organism and give stamina and strength. They boost blood flow to the small pelvis and improve endurance by 3 times the normal. Regular intake makes sex pleasurable for both partners.

The main results you get with Erotrol’s composition are:

  • 3 Times Stronger Libido & Sexual Appetite;
  • Better Ability to Satisfy Your Partner;
  • Enhanced Virility & Potency;

3 Different Types of Partners, According to the Way They Eat

Partners According to the Way They Eat

What type of person is he or she in bed? Would he suit you, as an intimate partner? You can find it out on the first date, prominent psychologists promise. And the date usually occurs in a restaurant. There, you can carefully observe the person opposite you and his or her attitude to food and eating. Of course, there is one specific type of individual that you should be on the lookout for – the culinary expert. Such people prefer to cook for themselves, like real masters. They are ready to share their culinary secrets and give advice. Always tempting but also meticulous. That is why they often fall into the role of a tyrant lover. They plan sex and how moments of intimacy go down to the smallest detail and rarely comply with their partner’s wishes. Be on the watch out for them!

Here are 3 different types of partners and lovers, based on the way they eat and view food:

  1. The Glutton. They are strongly upset by oversalted and burnt dishes. In love, they react the same. Nothing distracts them from the process of saturation, and after the finale they prefer peace.
  2. The Refined One. For them, eating is a ritual – soft and quiet music, flowers, a beautifully laid table, and, of course, fine dishes. Otherwise – complete apathy. Such is their attitude towards the object of their feelings.
  3. The Jester. During meals, they prefer to talk and crack jokes. Eating happens because of necessity, not joy. The menu is of little interest to them, the fellow diners are more important. It doesn’t matter if they are at the salad bar or barbecue. They are like that in love, too – unpretentious but verbose.

A Healthy Body = A More Potent You

Our bodies age and processes begin to slow down. But this doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to perform, like a stallion. The thing to do is go for regular prostate checkups and stay on a healthy and balanced diet!

Bottom Line: One of the best remedies for better sex and mutual pleasure levels in Peru is the Erotrol capsules. They toned the male body and ensure that it functions properly. Clients like it very much, based on what they share in opinions and comments on forums. The organic pills are even preferred by adult film stars because of their herbal composition and quick action. Expert urologists and sexologists also say that the remedy is 95% effective for improving male performance and endurance and is a great alternative to the blue pill.


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